Tuesday 10 March 2015


A wonderful day it was as multitudes of people flocked the holy sanctuary with readiness to hear from the Lord. New songs of praise and worship filled the atmosphere. With this serene atmosphere, the servant of God Abraham Richard to position at the pulpit and began with an empowering statement that he won’t leave the Holy ground without the congregation’s issues that brought them to his presence solved. He affirmed those who were not physically present but gathering via the internet not to fear but rather put their issues at heart because that issue will not escape the touch of God. He then introduced the topic of the day;

DO NOT FORCE FAITH: Acts 7:54-6o

The servant of God enlightened the congregants that the more one focuses on the problem being faced with is the more painful it will be. He cited Apostle Stephen’ scenario where when he was being stoned, he did not focus on that pain as he was seeing heaven and the Holy Spirit was with him. The servant of God explained further that if Stephen was forcing faith, he could not have cried out to Jesus to forgive those were stoning him. Therefore you too as a believer never focus on the situation you are in, free yourself and look unto Jesus Christ then you will conquer the world.

With emphasis, he said faith is natural therefore one needs to allow the Holy Spirit to suggest an action at all times with knowledge that a man of faith in a midst challenges, laughter will come naturally since faith is a driving factor. He affirmed that men who are in faith can never explain what they feel; it’s you to judge them but all they say is Jesus Christ. Adding on, he said that as a believer; allow the world to judge you since they will never understand the source of your joy.   The servant of God summed up the message of the day with a piece of advice to the congregants that it’s wise to constantly ask God for faith rather than forcing it. You will hit when you force faith and end up abusing God. Reminding them that when you force faith whatever the world says about you, will be pain to you. Therefore stop forcing faith, let faith force you keeping in mind that faith will never tire, all you need is to believe in God.

Below are a few testimonies selected to encourage you to pray and with steadfast patience you too can reach to your miracle for the Lord God of Abraham Richard does not sleep nor slumber.

Sister Nyamurwa Sarah from Rubaga testifies to the deliverance power of God; on Friday, she got a terrible stomach pain the made her unable to neither walk nor stand. She called the servant of God on mobile and before she could make the issue of her calling known to him, he quickly commanded the evil spirit to depart from her. Instantly, Sister Sarah says she began rolling over on the ground and when the rolling of her body stopped, the pain had been healed.

The Lord did not only deliver her but also revived her financial life. She says a few weeks back she was on the line going to pick the anointed dollar from the servant of God, the Holy Spirit convicted her to pray on her Uganda Shillings that was going to exchange for a dollar.

In her prayer, Sister Sarah asked God to give her a business because she did not have one after  former business was closed off by the government as it turned out to been connected to money laundering activities which was not aware of. When she reached before the servant of God, he noted to her that he was informed by the Holy Spirit about a prayer she made as she waited for her turn to enter his office.

She recited again the prayer she had made in the hearing of the servant of God. Today with a wide grin on her face, she is grateful to the God of Abraham Richard for answering her prayer for a new business. She says that it’s flourishing steadily not because of her strength but by the grace of God. Glory and honor are for the Lord.

Sister Tendo Esther from Masajja is grateful to the God of Abraham Richard for the protection upon her life. On Thursday, the Servant of God revealed to her that people were planning to attack her physically and went on to encourage her to pray for her faith to be strengthened.
Sister Esther confesses that she did not know that the Servant of God was preparing her for a battle, the next day, the devil used someone to pay a visit to her house with intentions of abducting her daughter but the person’s mission failed.  

 The gentleman sought for plan B after failing, he decided to find her in person.  Armed with witchcraft, the man entered church thinking it’s just a man-made church where every junk can be tolerated; security was cautious about him and as they monitored, he was acting centrally to what was taking place and eventually they threw him out of church without doing any harm to Sister Esther or anyone. She thanks the God of Abraham Richard for the protection.

Sister Akugizibwe Rosemary from Kasese district testifies to the God of Abraham Richard because He rescued her from extreme poverty to now a comfortable and joyful life.  She came to TVC Ministries with a lot of troubles; her children were sickly making her a constant hospital visitor. As if that was not enough, her husband her helpless. The Servant of God prayed for her, as he was praying, he held her hand and said to her that all is well.
When she went back, Sister Akugizibwe received a phone call inviting her for a job offer, she started working and a year later she managed to save capital that she injected in her now own business. God did not only work on her financial aspect of life but also led to her a new husband who fulfills all the duties of a husband in a home. She says that her children are now healthy and studying properly without lacking school fess which was a nightmare to her. Sister rose says that even the father of her children woke up from slumber that now he is caring greatly for his children.
Brother Natumanya Philemon thanks the God of Abraham Richard because truly He is a miracle working God, in 2009 his sister got lost mysteriously and his family had given up on ever seeing her again and thought she was dead.
In February 2015, Brother Philemon came to TVC Ministries and made a prayer request to God asking Him to bring her sister back home. In less than a month, Brother Philemon’ sister was found. He says that on Tuesday 3rd march 2015, he received a phone call from his mother, telling him that his sister had come home. He gives glory and honor to Jesus Christ for finding her sister alive and healthy.
He advised the congregation that whatever seems impossible in the world it is nothing before the God of Abraham Richard therefore do not die with the issue, just come to the pool and all will be well saying that if he did it for me, He can still do it for you.


  1. Righteous father in heaven,
    Above all things, father, give me yo great faith the faith that will freely flow without forcing it.

    God of Abraham Richard, enlarge my faith that I may not fail you the creator Lord Jesus Christ in anything I do.

    Thank u Lord God HolySpirit in Christ's name

    Jeremiah jbh

  2. I thank God for the faith He has blessed you with.Hallelujah.

  3. God bless you Papa Abraham Riches.
