Sunday 1 March 2015


 The House of God was filled with songs of praise and worship as believers flocked in large numbers to adore the author of life. Soulful music steamed from the choir and congregation as they expressed their love and awe of who He is.  Isaiah 66:1 God says, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool...”  He is the Creator of the universe and everything in it, which includes you and me.  How wonderful and amazing it is!
From this wonderful praise and worship, Evangelist Rita Bisaso led the congregation into a faith building encouraging message about honoring God with reference from the Book of Job 33:14 ''For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.'' She said that, honor every session that takes place in church because you don’t know when and how God will speak to you. And then posed a question to the congregation ''Do you have a specific way you have told God to speak to you?'' Do not order God, because a beggar has no choice, we are all beggars before God. Whatever is being done in Church comes from Jesus therefore honor it.”
Bringing the message home, she referred to the book of Mark 11:9 saying that, when Jesus was going to Jerusalem, the crowd shouted, ''Blessed is who comes in the name of the Lord '' therefore honor every vessel that is being used to bring the word of God to you. Wrapping up the sharing, she told the congregation that before they complain that God is not working for them, they should first examine their hearts, attitude and character towards God.

An eye opening encouraging message it, this prompted many to lineup to testify in honor of the mighty works of the Lord through His servant Abraham Richard. As you read, may the Lord remember mercy on you and sustain you to your miracle. Amen 

Sister Mutesi Mariam testifies for the healing power of the God of Abraham Richard through the miracle handkerchief and the miracle sticker. Monday was an awful day for Sister Miriam as she woke up with a terrible fever, shaking uncontrollably with a sour mouth and unable to bathe herself. Many advised her to go to hospital for treatment however, having been armed with the faith materials; she confessed that God is her only healer.
She got "Christ is my strength'' sticker and dipped it in water and used it as syrup to heal this awful disease as she bathed the water too.

When time to sleep came, she laid the miracle handkerchief on her body which made her to sweat the fever out. The next morning, a healthy and cheerful Mutesi got out of bed. She gives glory and honor to the God of Abraham Richard, the Healer.

In amidst songs of worship, the servant of God took his position at the pulpit and joined the choir into worshiping the Lord of mercy a song that led to the message of the day;

He said that many of us think that we are worshiping God yet we fear men yet we fear situations that we face in our day to day lives. God is a fair and just God; He can never fight for you when you depend on men. The servant of God said that don’t deceive yourselves wake up, because what you fear is what you will worship.

A man who fears God cannot be intimidated by any challenge because he knows what God requires of him. He wants man to know Him as a powerful God but to a man who does not fear Him will definitely end up worshiping the situation being faced instead of God. The servant of God went on to empower the congregation that as a believer one should examine himself and check if the fear of God is within reminding them of the reason as to why the Lord has shown them power before. Imitate the behaviors of our forefathers who derived confidence in God’s power in times of challenges basing on the past victories.
Exposing the characters of today’s Christians, he said that they fear God for a moment and next is for a situation. This has made them to forget what the Lord has done before pushing them to Him instead of worshiping Him. Remember it is God’s desire to deliver those who worship Him emphasizing that one can never worship God with a divided mind.  Summing up the message, he urged the congregation to imitate him by not forgetting whatever they see him perform in the name of the Lord Jesus with reference to his own character that -all the signs and wonders he sees keep him humbled. He reminded the believers that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom as a take home point to ponder about.

From such an edifying teaching, the Servant of God led the congregation and those who gather with him via the internet into a session of prayer asking God to give them a Spirit of fear and trembling before Him because none can worship God in truth and spirit if there is no reverence. Going deep in prayer, he sent a word of restoration to those who pray with him online saying “All those praying with me on the internet, I release a word from Heaven; do not think the whole world can support your idea, show them love. Evil cannot fight evil. Be healed, delivered and blessed. You are not my enemy, my enemy is Satan. I bless you in Jesus’ name.

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