Friday 20 March 2015


God’s omnipresent power radiated among the entire congregation at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations Sunday Service of March 15, 2015. The inspiring atmosphere, enriched by the beautiful and soulful voices were heard as the church choir sung and provided a platform for the flow of God’s straight grace upon His people.

Loving being a part of the Lord’s nature, the congregation was fed with a word of encouragement by Evangelist Henry Tendo from Luke 17: 11-15 that while Jesus was going to Jerusalem, between Samaria and Galilee, the lepers were in a far distance and called out in a loud voice'' Master have pity on us” Evangelist Tendo paused a question that opened the hearts of the congregants saying the Brethren which kind of leprosy are you faced with that Christ cannot deal with? Is it cancer, financial problems, anger, hatred, rumor mongering?  He told them take heart but rather believe. Reminding them to be grateful whenever there is a miracle because more will be added unto you. Do not be like the nine lepers that did not return to thank Jesus thus ending up not receiving what they had cried out to Jesus for-complete healing.

From such an eye opening message of encouragement, believers lined up to testify for the goodness of the Lord in their lives. Below are some testimonies selected to uplift your faith and empower you to press on because your miracle is around the corner.

Sister Kateeba Mary from Naalya testifies to the goodness and faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard who answers prayer requests as fast as possible. When the year 2014 was dawning, Sister Mary submitted her 2015 request to the servant of God and on her list was another job that was paying better and less tiring. She made her request clear that she wanted a financial uplift in the year 2015 as number one. In the second month of the year, Sister Mary made it to her miracle and she says that clearly the Lord is answering her requests in a chronological order. She is now a school matron of Hillside Primary School even when she does not have academic qualifications to acquire a job in one of Uganda’s top primary school category.
Sister Mary says that she was previously working as a matron for the past four years and in all these years, she was earning peanut salary until end of 2014 when she got tired of working hard and earning less. Faithful is the Lord that he did not only uplift her status, He multiplied her former salary four times of that she was earning previously. Glory and honor return back to the Holy one of Israel.

Sister Rose Nambuya from Mbale testifies to the God of Abraham Richard and thanks Him for answering all her requests that she put on her prayer chart on the first day she went on the prayer line. She had six requests and amazingly since 11th October 2014, all her requests were worked on perfectly by God. She says that the God of True Vine communion Ministries is the only God to worship and affirms that she knew that if one is answered, the rest will be a sure deal.
Sister Rose confirms that her six requests are answered. 

Her husband had left her for 8 years, and this forced her to move from church to church looking for a solution, and she found her answer, right now, our sister is living with her husband who had abandoned her. She goes on to say that her children were sickly but now, sickness and disease is history in her home not only that, the Lord restored love and favour to her rejected grand child who was abandoned by her father and even the kid was also rejected by her own mother. Even that, the Lord has made it history as Sister Rose’ granddaughter is now in school and cared for by her biological parents. The older Children who did not have jobs are now employed, her son was also addicted to alcohol but now, he is no longer a drunkard and finally, Sister Rose who was jobless like her children is no longer in that category because she is now self employed by the grace of God.
She advised the believers to hold onto the Lord for He is not man to lie and therefore be patient if your miracle is not yet with you. If He did it for her, then He will do it for whoever yearns and trusts Him.

Sister Kisaakye Beatrice came to True Vine Communion Ministries for all nations a month ago unable to walk, nor squat as a result of a fever that left her legs swollen and paralyzed. Sister Beatrice says that she had visited different hospitals but could not find healing. Today she testifies to the Lord God of Abraham Richard for granting her complete healing. She can now run, walk, squat and do many more things that she was unable to do by herself. Glory and honor goes back to the Lord of Lords who makes the lame walk. Hallelujah!

After such edifying testimonies, the servant of God took position at the alter to deliver the days message entitled; LET YOUR WORD TAKE THE WHOLE OF ME: John 13:4ff

He unveiled the message with an example of Peter whom he introduced as a fellow minister and an ordinary man who got a chance of meeting Jesus in person. Adding on, he said Peter knew his position before Jesus as a servant that’s why he never wanted his master to wash his feet even after washing the feet of the other disciples. The servant of God paused a question of meditation to the congregants that why didn't the eleven disciples refuse?

The servant of God highlighted that the eleven were not minding about the glory of God that’s why Peter a servant of God refused Jesus to wash his feet because he knew who his master was reminding believers to always mind about what the master does. Peter’s behavior forced Jesus to give them a reason as to why He was washing their feet explaining that a man who understands the word of God will know how to value it therefore learn and start now because the reason you are not receiving that much from God is as a result of familiarity.

Summing up the message, the servant of God referred to the book of Mark 8:31-32 where Jesus said that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders. As others seemed not to mind, Peter was noting each word that after Jesus finished talking he took Him out and started rebuking Him. He advised the congregants to be like Peter so that they can help others to know Jesus more if whatever one does is done in truth and love. Peter’s knowledge about the nature of his master gave the other disciples a chance to know why their feet were washed. Though for him, he asked for more because of the reason that his master gave him by asking Jesus to wash his whole body an act that was not possible for the eleven as they just followed without a vision.

True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nation being a ministry working as a mouth piece of Christ Jesus, the Lord spoke yet again about different nations. Below are the revelations as proclaimed by Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso though this time it was more of confirmations.

The prophet revealed saying that “every country needs God’s intervention, even Uganda because it is coming; it’s already on the door. I am seeing people being displaced moving from their regions to other regions. Those in the Easter part should be ready, it’s coming. Eastern part of Uganda should be prepared; they are going to be displaced again”

On 3rd January 2015, the prophet revealed that “I saw liquor has been designed by Satan himself. It’s going to be small and cheap in order to spread more. This time, it’s going to do more harm promoting prostitution and theft more than before. I saw it already designed and it’s not yet out because in Satan’s kingdom, they were looking for someone to bring it out and promote it. If you love Jesus, pray that it does not come out.” Today the 15th of March 2015, the prophet said “I saw the person who was looked at as a potential promoter, I shut him up and he lost interest in being a promoter. I think they were still looking for one that’s why I hear that Uganda Waragi is coming up with it. But even now, we can stop it if you believe. It will be very dangerous more than the cocaine you hear about.”

In 2012, I came and said that the black president has returned to office in America. But this time, during his term the president will do more disaster than the previous term. Prophet Abraham Richard revealed this again on 15th March 2015 as he informed the congregation about the different things happening in America. He said “I hear a lot of things happening like supporting the devil worshiping [Illuminati] not only that, the dollar is appreciating to an extent of almost breaking the world’s economic dollar history strength. The prophet confirmed this more as he had revealed about the global financial pressure to hit times three this year 2015(refer to Revelations 2015 booklet).

The prophet revealed today in relation to his proclamation about the Roman Catholic pope in February 2013 saying that “when the catholic pope stepped down, I came here and told you that we thank God that the Catholics are finding another pope; but they should not relax. More prayers are needed because whatever forced pope Benedict to resign will force even this one to follow suit. If you want to confirm check out on the news it’s all over that he wants to retire earlier. Citing the New York daily news quote that “Francis told Mexico's Televisa that he believed he would remain pope a bit longer and then resign, as his predecessor had.”

Crowning off the service, the servant of God made an outstanding deliverance prayer setting the camp of Satan ablaze wherever he had held the children of God captive saying that the angel of the Lord told Satan to be condemned he was claiming Joshua; in the same way I speak to you Satan may the Lord condemn you for claiming this Ministry, Ministers, Partners and the church of God in the whole world.

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