Thursday 27 February 2014

Delivered from Devil worshiping


Testifying is acknowledging the power of God working in your life.  When I testify I glorify the name of the Lord and Christ shall work more in me. Praise the Lord O’ my soul.

My name is Ssejji Ivan and I am here to testify for the Lord Jesus. I want to testify so that I can shame the Devil. Many people say that people are forced to testify but I can assure you that this is not the case. I was once saved but I backslid and joined devil worshiping. My friends introduced me to devil worshiping.  There are rituals involved in worshiping the devil. They could bring me papers with instructions which I had to read and follow. They gave them to me when I joined and made me confess.

They told me that, to join them, I had to have blood, a needle, and I had to buy candles: one black, another yellow, another white, then blue and green. I don’t think any of you has ever seen a black candle but my friends got it for me. There were certain places where these candles would be placed during the rituals. This area was called the pentagram and it looks like a star. The candles would be put on each of the five sides. I was told to get a cloth – a cloth that I had never put on, to use during the rituals. This cloth had to be black, white or red. These rituals could always be performed in the night at 3 am. I was required to pierce and press my index finger for blood and I would drop it in a bottle top or a lead.

Then I would get a pen that does not write or a feather, dip it in the blood and then write a prayer that would be provided to me on a paper. After writing the prayer, I would write my name at the end.After this, I would then light the candles one by one up to the last. I would fold the paper and then burn it with the black candle. After this, I would get the ash and blow it. This would be the first ritual.After I would get the paper and read the prayer, and then chant “Satan, Satan come to me.” 

After I would blow out the candles starting with the one I lit first. At the end of this, I would then go and sleep and begin with another ritual the next day. The next day I would get the same colors of candles but these would be shorter than the previous ones. Then I would get a basin with water or anything with water and place them in and cover them. They would float on the water and I would place them under my bed or above it.

The next day I would get Cinnamon  ginger and parsley. I would mix them and smear them on my body. There are some words that we were required to chant. They don’t call it prayer but chanting. For instance, I could chant,” money money come to me.”  Even though I had left God, in my heart I knew that He existed. I was told to decide with my heart or else I would have nightmares. There are two types of pentagrams; all are like stars but one of them is folded. During the time of meditation, I would leave the candles to melt until the wax reached the paper that I would have placed below them.

I would then leave them for a month and as the moon moved from east to west, I would get the paper with the wax.  Then I would look for a tree which was near a water source and I could go there and meditate for almost three hours. This would be done from midnight to 3 am in the morning. I tried to do it but I was scared of being in the wild alone at this time of the night. Whenever I could finish one ritual, I would be required to do the next ritual.

Only my friends and fellow devil worshipers knew about my secret. My family knew nothing about this. As time went on, these things became worse. I could not take it anymore and time came and I told my friend – the one who had initiated me and he told me to sacrifice a soul. When I went back home at around 11 pm, I got the cloth that I always used and began to chant the words I had been given on the paper.

I chanted, “Satan, Satan, come to me I have the right soul to sell if the price of my soul is right….”I had to close my eyes and chanted until I could feel that I had really been heard. Forty minutes into sleep, I felt people holding me down, hands and legs on my bed and I saw someone holding a sword and about to cut. I woke up with a start and found myself sweating. These are some of the many things that would happen to me. I was trapped and did not know how to come out.

The devil loves the souls of those who are born again more than others. He uses your talent to attract you to himself (musicians, artists, celebrities etc). When I was still worshiping the devil, I was told to get a black cat and eat it. I was supposed to cook it until the bones were separated from the meat. I was told then to go before a mirror and begin to eat the bones one by one. One of the bones was called an invisible bone. When someone would eat this one, he/she would disappear from the mirror. After this you were required to keep the bone under your bed and you would keep this invisible bone and you would use it whenever you wanted to disappear to any place.

A certain lady told me that she could take me to a church where I could find help. I told this lady that I did not want to know anything about Jesus. She persisted until she brought me. The first time I came here at TVC I did not go back the same. The man of God Abraham Richard prayed for me and the truth is that I regained a heart that loves God and I realized that to have a relationship with God, there are no strings attached. Believers this is not a narrative that someone told me but I experienced everything that I have told you - this is my story. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for delivering me.

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