Sunday 28 May 2017


Amidst a spirit-awakening worship, the servant of God took his position at the pulpit and led the expectant congregation into a message of the day “YOU GIVE WHAT YOU POSSES” with reference from the book of Acts 3:1-8. In his words, Abraham Richard the prophet said “I welcome you believer in the counseling room with Jesus Christ” noting that from spending a night with Christ, it is now time for guidance in line with answers that were received from God.

Wearing a flamboyant smile, the prophet said that man can only give what he possesses quoting directly the book of Acts 3:6 “…Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you…”  He said that today you are looking at yourself feeling rejected and cursing that God does not remember you; I am here to remind you that God is with you and has never abandoned you. The prophet of God opened the counseling message to the congregants to stop judging themselves basing on the situations they face. He said that it is not a mistake for a believer to be in any rough situation be it lack, sickness, rejection etal, that situation is there for the glory of God noting that faith in line with God’s will produce results.

Quoting the man at the beautiful gate, the servant of God said that he lived there for some good time begging for a living until Peter came. To make it clear that God is in your situation, he said that Peter did not give the begger silver and gold; he gave him Christ Jesus through healing. Therefore, do not undermine yourself basing on the situation you are in. You have Christ in you and He desires you to give Him out to those in need in your societies.
Going deeper in the message, he said that Naaman’s healing from leprosy came through his wife’s helper in the book of 2Kings 5:1-3 “…Now bands from Aram had gone out and taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife. She said to her mistress, ‘if only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” The prophet alerted that Naaman being a great soldier would have missed his healing if he had ignored the voice of the young girl-his wife’s maid servant. He explained further that in today’s salvation, Satan torments us causing us to undermine ourselves basing on the situation we encounter physically urging the congregants not to ignore certain things in life. The servant of God emphasized to the believers not ignores or undermine each other or anyone for through the mediums and people we ignore is where our salvation is hidden.

Summing up the message, the prophet empowered the congregants and urged them to stop undermining themselves but rather give out the best gift –Jesus Christ to the dying world. He alerted that it can be done through sharing with them the gospel of Christ.

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