Wednesday 5 April 2017


As it is that enter the gates of the Lord with Praise and thanks giving; this was evident as the congregation filled the air with shouts of praise and worship to the glory of the Lord. In this spirit filled atmosphere the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the expectant believers into the message of the day from the book of Romans 8:18-28 titled, “Suffering in Christ.”
Breaking down the scripture, the prophet said as a believer it is not you who has taken yourself into frustration and suffering that you are facing. He brought more light emphasizing that the physical suffering is a sign that Christ has put on His own and when He appears the suffering will be no more. Emphasizing verse 25, “But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” He noted that this Scripture refers to that person waiting patiently under physical pain- sickness, poverty etal. The servant of God broke down Hope as expecting in what we don’t see for no man hopes to have what they already have.
The prophet of God Abraham Richard cautioned that as a believer you should never lose hope; you will have labored in vain.  He encouraged the congregation to stick to hope-Jesus Christ for it is you in need of it pointing out the fact that it is the sick who need the doctor.
Going deeper in the message, Abraham Richard the Prophet explained that in that moment when you are down cast and have none to speak on your behalf, the Holy Spirit is present to intercede and strengthen you because He intercedes with assurance of your destiny; It is only the Holy Spirit that knows the Mind of God and searches your heart and makes the right prayer.
He concluded the message saying that as a child with a destiny, a lot will hit you but never run away from the Holy Spirit rather run to him for inquiry and he will intercede accordingly. Cautioning that the more you try to fix your issue as a man the more you will mess it up.


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