Sunday 16 April 2017


Amazing worship and praise filled the sanctuary of the Lord as believers flocked in to celebrate the resurrection of  Our King Jesus Christ. Amidst the soul soothing worship, the Servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the word of the day, “I AM A CHILD OF GOD” with reference from the book of 1John 3:1-2. In a loud confession, the prophet resounded that people of this world do not know that you and I are children of God as the testimony of John in this epistle awakens us. He broke the message down that the world does not know because they see differently from the Heavens where we belong.
Going deeper, Abraham Richard the prophet noted that the problem we have as believers of this generation is that we want to see spiritual issues as men and cautioned that we can never be saved nor see God the way we meditate in our minds. Our meditations are human and different from God's ways. He advised the congregation to stop giving Satan liberty to play on them for they are not of this world, they are of God. In his words, the prophet emphasized that “I want to let you know that Satan has no power over you”

To make the message sink deeper in the hearts of the congregants, the servant of God alerted that for Jesus to prove to us that Satan has no power over lives and situations as children of God; he went on the cross and bore our pain that we can be victorious with him in glory. Quoting directly from the book of John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” To a child of God, Christ’ victory is your victory in every trial, tribulation and challenging situations that you face in this world. Therefore, do not fear Satan; he has no power of you.
The prophet empowered the congregation to take heart in whatever situation they are facing for Christ Jesus went through pain, persecution and attained victory in order for us to follow His example and emerge victorious as it was written in Isaiah 53:4-12. Therefore His victory is directly our victory, all a believer is required of is to understand and believe for the word of God to gain flesh in our lives.
Summing up the day’s message, the servant of God noted that we are saved if we believe. The word of God is true and can never fall on a bare ground. Happy Easter Celebrations children of God.

I want to talk about a Nation Congo –Zaire. Is it the one with deep forests on hilly grounds? There’s danger and it what is disturbing the government. I have a divine message for this Nation Congo. There is a problem in these hills. I saw in the spirit, there is a deep forest on both sides and there is trouble coming from the deep forests that no one can go there. I saw everything. This is what is putting the government on pressure. I saw a quarter guard. If we are to pray as a country –Congo, we need to pray under the vision of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is willing to heal this Nation Congo from this boom-boom. I have prophesied, you doubt and wait to see what happens next. I have seen a leader being prepared in the forests and wants to take over as president but when it happens, the Nation will suffer more than it was with the current president.

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