Sunday 5 February 2017


Glorious worship engulfed the sanctuary of the Lord as believers raised their voices in adoration of the awesome presence of Adonai. Amidst this breath taking atmosphere, the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso took position at the pulpit to deliver the day’s message titled, “WE ARE ONE.
The prophet said that being one means that where one is weak another encourages and where one is going up, the other empowers him to go higher. In proclamation, he alerted that “I Abraham Richard will not give up on praying for the body of Christ until the church is united.”
With confidence and boldness, he read from the book of 1Corinthians 10:15-17 I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one make his proclamation sink deep in the congregant’s hearts.

Abraham Richard the prophet with calmness cautioned that we are all one in the body and our leaders are the branches. Going deeper, he affirmed that whether you are the greatest teacher or prophet, you report to the same one master Christ Jesus thus reminding the congregation never to forget whom we report to and how we are supposed to behave while we are united by one master-Jesus Christ.  He emphasized that if we work together, we shall bring glory to the Lord but if we divide ourselves, we shall not bring him that glory He desires but rather encourage the dominion of Satan in the Church of God.

The servant of God pointed out the source of division in the church of God as pride for it makes the different parts of the body compete and undermine each other basing on the different gifts. This makes the members forget where they come from leading to their downfall. Many servants are falling off because Satan is doing whatever it takes to fail those with a great calling. He reminded the believers that it is your duty to pray for the body of Christ because if you do not; what befell your brother is also coming to you.
Summing up the must read and put in practice message, Abraham Richard said that not all great preachers, prophets or seers are great friends of God. Seeing people getting healed, delivered in our congregations does not guarantee that one is a friend of God. He said that Greatness in the face of God is defined as a man full of love, caring and minding about others irrespective of the part he plays in the body.

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