Sunday 15 January 2017


When I Abraham Richard the Prophet was silent and my soul with the Lord, I had a space (Emptiness) for the truth-the word of God for His people, world and heavenly hosts. I began to cry, “Lord, someone must come out with your word to help your people see, understand and test on the truth from you concerning this coming season (2017).Revelation 1:17, then  I heard the Spirit of the Lord Christ Jesus speak to me saying write;
 Ezekiel 12:21-28, “… ‘Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘the days go by and every vision comes to nothing’...”
 Ezekiel 13:1-12, “… ‘Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their imagination: ‘hear the word of the Lord! This what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!… ” I mean those prophets that prophesy others dreams and visions.
 The Lord Jesus Christ- the Holy Son of God, says, Jeremiah 36:2-3, “Take a scroll and write on it the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah and all other nations…”
What is the Lord saying about you this year 2017?#abrahamrichard

2017 is to be more of spiritual than it has been before; more of spiritual than physical. Those that are to benefit must be in faith and in the Holy Spirit.

  • Men want to hear what the Lord has to say about them so that they can laugh and mock but this time it is going to be spiritual- meaning it may be an abuse to many that are not in the Holy Spirit and oil of gladness to a wise man.
  • Men have turned out to be disobedient; you do not need to hear from the Lord but the Lord shall speak to the ministering spirits-the Angels that stand to the servants of God in the flesh in the name of Jesus Christ. For the angels can’t miss to know who I am. John 10:14, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.”  

 Jeremiah 13:23, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” Look into what I told you if you need a prophecy of 2017 and repent.

  • God the Father is disappointed in the way you serve; it’s not Him you are majoring to honour but yourselves. That is why in whatever you do, you do it sparingly.
  • Serving for your own motives; you have moved away from your calling to other things, you desire as man hence affecting the Grace of God in your lives which is meant to glorify HIM. If you are all prophets, who will teach? If you are all miracle workers, who will sing? I mean you are all called to different kinds of working but the same Purpose 1 Corinthians 12, “...There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men…” God in accordance to His plan gave gifts to men so that His body may be complete but you have moved away from your calling because of aiming at fulfilling your bodily desires. When man does not operate according to his calling, he will force himself to deliver, fight others, aim to please people than God and struggle to defend himself before world. This is what is happening to the Christian world today; thus says the Lord.
  • Because you have not listened and obeyed the command of the Lord when He instructed you not to copy other’s ways so He has moved away those ministering angels that served with you in this calling and replaced them with the ones you are not familiar with. Therefore this year, if you are not more listening, obedient and careful; you shall be misled completely with your dreams and visions.”

This year 2017, the Lord will reveal His plans or secrets to those who are in the spirit I mean faith. Our Father cannot speak again as it has been in the past years to everyone a word of a spirit when you are not in the spirit; I mean you can never understand a message of a prophet without being in the Holy Spirit first. It is not our Father’s character to prophesy every time when His former message was not put into action. Prophecy is meant to inspire man to repentance, transformation and empower his faith in God. But you have become only a hearer and not a doer so you are not fit to hear again from Him and this year you will only hear from your imaginations and illusions.
In 2017, be so much careful for I saw a spirit of lies released to come and lie more to those that are born for destruction than the last years. Why? Because you have  been hard-hearted to heed the voice of the Lord and do good. And where the spirit of lies is, there is much destruction.

  • ·         To the church in Africa; beginning this year, you are going to get stronger than before. Stronger in spirit if only you stick to the first love and grace (the desire you had to attract God).
  • ·         To others, I am really proud of your suffering and sacrifices for me, when you have been tempted to deny me, you have not. Behold, I am coming very soon before you even know it with your reward and your seat is already prepared; you have run the race and I am pleased. You are coming with me.
  • ·         African church; if you need to see more unique working ways, increase on love for me, learn to love me and I shall love you too.

This is what I have against you;
  • ·         God chose that you suffer greatly so that you seek Him and when you sought Him and found His favour, you have now become lovers of money (wealth), fame and honour than God. 2Kings 5:26, “But Elisha said to him, ‘was my spirit not with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to take money, or to accept clothes or leave groves, vineyards, flocks, herds, or menservants and maidservants?’”
  • ·         Among you, some have become teachers and instructors of how the innocent children of Christ should become competitors with the children of the world in regard to wealth before the world than being rich in Christ Jesus. What do the treasures of the world have to do with the kingdom of God? What do the world’s treasures have to do with the kingdom of heaven? So, stand warned this is the last chance for the Lord is too near.
  • ·         To others you have wandered away from your foundation (lineage) and today, you have become church prostitutes hence bringing confusion in the body of Christ. Look back to the point where you turned from your lineage- calling before you are replaced.
  • ·         To others; you have been tested many times and you failed, when I expected to see you in complete devotion to me, you have not but rather you have run to fellow men. What does man know about your calling and destiny? Didn’t I call you by grace? Does man know where I dug you from? You have fallen!  You know that it was me that put you here and favoured you but see how quickly you have forgotten where you have come from. If I called you by grace, why aren’t you practicing it?

  • ·         African church, interceding for the body of Christ is a must. Interceding for the church of Christ to be strong, true and obedient in love is a must…”

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