Tuesday 23 February 2016


Love filled worship resonated in the temple of the Lord today the 21st February 2016 at True Vine Communion Ministries  as the choir and congregation worshipped and praised the Lord in His beauty, majesty, honour and greatness. From the wonderful session the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregants into the message of the day from the book of Romans 8:28-29 titled, “GOD’S LOVE IS CONSTANT!” The servant of God said that for those God knew, He set them apart from the common and He justifies them.  The servant of God continued to assure the congregation that Satan uses the same old tricks telling Christians that God hates them pointing out the hard situations that are being faced. He whispers in your ears showing you everything wrong around you. Citing an example of Job’s wife, the servant of God encouraged the congregation to emulate Job who never listened to these old tricks of Satan. The prophet cautioned the congregants never to doubt God’s love a midst challenges; because when the going is bad that is when God is so near and in that time you should feel the depth of God’s love. In every situation you face as a believer, run first to God’s love. 

The servant of God went ahead and said that the problem with Christians today is getting lost in an illusion of God being present in good times and absent in bad times yet it’s not true. He affirmed that God is close to the afflicted than those who are merry making. He alerted the believers to always confess and know that nothing can separate them from the love of God in times of challenges. It should rather be used as a great opportunity to seek and hear from God more.

The prophet proved God’s love for His people by quoting John 3:16 that if God gave His best-Jesus Christ, then he can do anything to reserve you so that He does not lose you. He noted to the believers that their uncertainty about God’s love is what hinders them from loving God completely. He summed up the service with a word of wisdom to the flock that the greatest prayer one can make to God is to love Him since love is a shortcut to faith and above all a solution to any challenge. When you possess love for God, faith is evident.

Sister Kateeba Mary testified to the God of Abraham Richard for helping her make it to her miracle. She said that on 31st December 2015, they were given a prayer request card and were instructed to write anointed to reign, promotion at work (job). She said that, she has been promoted to a matron-girls section from being an assistant matron. Sister Mary narrated that the good school –Hillside    that she works in is also a testimony that came through the God of True Vine Communion. As of now all the Matrons in the School report to her and she believes that more testimonies are coming her way.Glory and honour returns to God.

Sister Nantumbwe Anita testified to the healer of our infirmities- the God of Abraham Richard. She said that she came to True Vine Communion Ministries with a terrible migraine, stomach pain and a wound in her private parts. She said that this situation had been with her for 10years and as a result of her HIV/AIDS positive status. Sister Anita said that the wound in her private parts had persistently not cured for a full month and it would pass out blood, itchy and causes discomfort. This in return causes her not to have sexual relationships, move freely and sometimes difficult for her to wear an under pant. By the grace of God, she narrates that when the servant of God Abraham Richard prayed for her, that bloody wound dried instantly. No wonder the Bible puts it clear that by his stripes we are healed. She confirmed that she washed herself there and then but the wound was no more and pain became history in a moment.

Sister Tushabe Lydia thanks God of Abraham Richard for leading her to a miracle. She said that she received a revelation from the servant of God in October 2015 that she had a troubled heart and asked her what she wanted God to do for her. This revelation was an open Cheque to a troubled woman like Lydia. Without hesitation, Sister Lydia confirmed the prophecy true and straight away made her requests known to the Lord that-she needed her husband to return and carry on his responsibilities, her sister to be released from Yeyi prison where she had been imprisoned for 8months as well as journey mercies to reach Juba safely.

This attracted the compassion of God and the servant of God prayed for her and under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the prophet continued to reveal mysteries to her about her sister. He said that Lydia’s sister will be released and he could see three men; two on her right and one on the right trying to shoot her. He added on that she should not worry, the sister will return safe and the Lord will protect.
Surely the word of God can never fall on the ground and return back to Him void, Sister Lydia confirmed the perfection of the revelation that after a month and some days, her sister Mutesi was released. She was given a vehicle and a stone as custom in Sudan for protection. Having seen light in the God of Abraham Richard, mid way the journey; Sister Mutesi threw away that stone after traveling a small distance the driver asked Mutesi about the stone after seeing a group of soldiers and she told him that the God who released her from prison will get them to their destination safely; which He did. 

Sister Lydia thanked the God of Abraham Richard for perfecting His word of protection that he proclaimed upon her sister’s life. She continued to thank God for protecting her too, she narrated that her house is located in an insecure area characterized with theft and rape. This has never happened to her not because she is special but by the grace and protection of the Lord. 

Brother Mukiibi Karim came to True Vine Communion Ministries with pressing issues in 2013 and among them was to be deployed in Somalia as part of the peace keeping mission.  He had tried as a man to get on the list but he was unsuccessful even when his name came on the list, he was unexpectedly cancelled out. On coming to True Vine Communion Ministries, the servant of God told Brother Mukiibi that all is well and assured him that he would go to Somalia. 

The word of God does not fall on the ground, in the year 2014, Brother Mukiibi was finally deployed in Somalia as he had always desired. Where the Lord guides He protects, Brother Mukiibi carried along a special protection that was manifested on 25th December 2014 when there was surprise attack at the Mogadishu airport where his camp was. Hardly had Brother Mukiibi left the camp than approximately 90% of his comrades died in that terrible attack showing that the truly the Lord was watching over him.
The Lord did not stop at that alone, Brother Mukiibi has received a promotion; something that could happen without the prayers of the Servant of God. At the work place of Brother Mukiibi graduates are always considered for promotions first and since he is a senior four drop out, Brother Mukiibi had given up the hope of ever getting a promotion. With God nothing is impossible; right now Brother Mukiibi is now Assistant Superintendent of the police from an Inspector of Police at Naguru Police post a prestige thought he never dreamt he would have.


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