Sunday 7 December 2014


Today was another great day to witness the manifestation of God’s power at TVC ministries. Many flocked the holy ground in search for healing and answers to the puzzling questions that had robbed them of their peace. The choir lifted the sorrowful spirits of congregants with soul soothing songs of worship and prepared them to hear from the servant of God Abraham Richard.

The prophet took his position at the pulpit and delivered the message of the day from his master Jesus Christ entitled Today is my day-Partner in the work of Jesus Mathew 5:5-10
The first words from the servant of God were a great encouragement to the congregants as he welcomed them to a ground of faith. He said that it is a great blessing to step where Jesus steps. Then he swiftly led the yearning congregation into the word of life from Mathew 5:6-10. With emphasis on verse 10, he said if you are persecuted because of Christ Jesus, remember you are not of this world therefore do not fear, the kingdom is soon coming to save you.

Those of heaven do not fit in this world that is why you are discriminated wherever you go and be assured you will never fit in it. The servant of God went on to say that your focus should be on the kingdom for the Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and the rest shall follow. He reminded the believers that the good they have is the source of their battles.
We are driven to do some things that we do not want to do. We are compelled by a spirit to give, whenever you feel it, do not oppose it. Remember the kingdom of Satan does not give peace. Whatever you receive from Satan, it will be used to take away your peace because it comes with troubles. Christ gives for purposes of peace and please take note that a man who admires a lot of earthly materials will begin to sin.  Therefore never fight to fit in this world. If you take this message, you shall have peace. You only need to fight to win this world.

Beaming with smiles of joy, the servant of God said that today is your day dear partner as he proclaimed “i saw a cloud covering those that have contributed to the success of the gospel of Jesus and  it's not going to stop in this building, but it will go out there and locate all." He also read from the book of Luke 7:1-6.  And shared with the gathering this story of a centurion.  He pointed out the message that was taken to Jesus from that centurion by messengers who pleaded with him to come to the centurion because they knew that he was worth the visit. They said in v6 “for he loves our nation and has built us a synagogue.”  The servant of God noted that  whatever you do for Christ is not in vain and all that you have done anywhere in faith for Jesus, today it is returning to you.

Quoting Luke 6:46 “why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things which i say.” Abraham Richard said that today many Christians have troubles because of their ignorance. He reminded us that the centurion’s request was granted because of his past deeds even you today tell him that- Lord Jesus hear my request tonight not because i am worthy, but because of your faithfulness.

Concluding the sermon, the servant of God gave the believers a wake up call that when we give in the kingdom of heaven, we are preparing for our answers for tomorrow and those that give with love can never follow up on what they have given, but those who give out of greed will count every penny given to Christ Jesus. Believer, it’s your heart that is important before Christ. Therefore give your heart to Jesus Christ today. He said that believe, tonight is the time for Christ Jesus to appear to those who have supported the gospel. Though you have not called for him, he has come for you.

From that wonderful message, many queued up to testify to the goodness of the Lord and as you read, may Christ uphold your faith so that you can reach to your miracle real soon.

Sister Namukwaya Sharifa is testifying to the goodness of the God of Abraham Richard. She received a bottle of anointing oil from TVC ministries a few days ago and inquired from the servant of God if it was okay for her to use it on her father’s business that was limping and above all a staunch Muslim. The servant of God advised her to use her faith. Indeed her faith swung into action as she made a prayer before she went to see her father. Sharifa said-Abraham Richard go before me. She then went to her father and presented her desire to apply the anointing oil to his motor spare equipment.

Without hesitation Hajji Yusuf allowed his daughter to anoint his business as well as his hands. From that time, Hajji’s spare part sales have increased tremendously that when she went back to check on her father, his fellow business men were yearning for the anoint oil from sister Sharifa.
We glorify the name of the Lord for the wonderful faith materials that he allowed his friend Abraham Richard to avail to nations for their healing, deliverance and crippled businesses among others.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing of this world will threaten me coz I Jeremiah am a partner to Abraham Richard & am also glad that the cloud covered me too.

    Who am I to step where Jesus steps?indeed am blessed to be a partner.
    Thank u Jesus for I have yo peace within me.
    I thank u my righteous Father,the God of Abraham Richard.
