Sunday 23 November 2014


God’s power is real, authentic and exact that it cannot be limited by time and space. Today’s service was a true master piece of the work of the Holy Spirit. It was evident that Sunday was a day of  manifestation of the power of the Lord in the lives of those that congregated at TVC Ministries for all nations as majority had a personal encounter with Him.
Many queued up to testify for the Lord and below are a few works of the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith to believe more. 

Sister Petrolina Ampeire
Sister Petrolina Ampeire is thanking God of Abraham Richard for the power of prophecy in TVC ministries for all nations. On 1st January 2013, the servant of God proclaimed to her that " I see you driving a car with a number plate UAW" She received the prophecy with eagerness and kept reminding God about it. One day in 2013, she escorted a friend to buy a car, she also confessed with faith that " me too am going to buy a car soon" unfortunately, her friend laughed at her asking her of where she would get the money to buy the car from.
This discouragement did not stop her from praying. Faithful is he that fulfills the word of his servants- the prophets. Today the word of the prophet has come to pass as sister Petrolina purchased her car with the prophesied number plate- UAW-xxx
Glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sister Mahoro Grace testifies about financial breakthrough, her usual business is supply of different commodities to different organizations. On 4th September 2014, she supplied generator filters to a certain organization and she wasn’t paid for some time. Whenever she would demand for her money, she was always told to wait. Her hope for getting the money withered. Finally on 19th November 2014 she remembered to put her faith in action. Sister Grace smeared holy water on her hands and made a confession that “God of Abraham Richard, let there be money for me”.

 Later in the night she had a dream when the servant of God was telling her that her money is ready. The next day, she received a phone from the organization telling her to pick her payment. She gives glory and honor to the Lord for availing us the heavenly water that bridged the gap as a debt collector. 

After hearing from such uplifting testimonies, the servant of God then took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into re-dedicating themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He refreshed the congregation’s faith with reference from the book of Psalms 119:9 pausing a question; how can you live a pure life?  He said it can be done only by obeying the word of God. Today many of us are not living by God's word that is why we have fear for tomorrow. We worry about what to eat and wear.  He went on to say that many Christians still flock places of worship under the influence of fear rather than faith in God. He then moved the congregation into the topic of the day; 

Jesus said to his followers peace be with you. Are you having that peace of Jesus that he gave you.?  If you have the peace of Jesus Christ, you will not fear any situation. The servant of God illustrated that fear with the scenario of the apostles who woke Jesus up in the boat while they were afraid of the storm (Luke 8: 24) and demonstrated how fear can be broken by only a word from the Holy Spirit with the help of Luke 8: 25 where Jesus’ response to the apostle was the opposite. "You of little faith until when will I be with you?" Jesus' response meant that he had done a lot of miracles before them which were enough to sustain their faith. This means that, the apostles did not have the peace of Jesus in them. You too if have the peace of Jesus Christ in you, you will have no fear. 

A person who operates under fear can never see God. You need the peace of Jesus to see tomorrow, when you do something in fear, failure is inevitable. Remember where is there is fear, there is destruction.

In every situation, Jesus had peace because it was from the Holy Spirit. It is that same peace that Jesus gave to everyone who believed in him. John 16:33, Jesus said, " I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you have many trials and sorrows. But take heart I have overcome the world."  
A man of peace is a master to Satan but a man of fear is a slave since Satan is the king of fear who usually establishes his connection to you through what you fear most. Many of us have done mistakes in our past and we are troubled by them. All we have to do is to ask God to give us peace to overcome our fear and let go of the past. The servant of God concluded the teaching by giving a key reminder that nothing of this world can give anyone peace citing examples like money, health, wealth and family.  With emphasis, he said that this peace is only given by the Holy Spirit through faith. If you believe, even right now you can receive it.

It is written that everywhere Jesus went, he did good. Even today, he has done it through  giving peace to the yearning souls. Unlimited as he is, he opened for the spirit of prophecy to flow through his servant Abraham Richard. He gave a revelation to Sister Miriam Mutesi saying, “I don't know what happened, you and your sister there is something that happened, and let me call it a quarrel and it was some time back. From that day you have been seeing instability in everything you do, be it marriage or business. Some is saying how can she be well when am not well? This is what has caused all your troubles." Sister Mutesi's response is true to everything the servant of God has said. Whatever she does is unsuccessful.

Sister Namwanjje Irene was also located by the spirit of God as the servant of God revealed “your problem is that you are not trustworthy. Am seeing there are many complaints about you where you are working now and I still see you in another place of work with the same issue of trust. You are not a problem, but you were meant to belong to the family rituals. It’s that cloth that your were clothed with that created a bondage. This is the cause of your instability. The Lord reveals to save and today our sisters and many more were set free from the claws of Satan not because of their might but by the grace of the Living God.

The servant of God concluded the service with an exercise of faith. He guided the already free congregation into a fire filled prayer to the souls of Jesus in and outside the ministry. He prayed for those on the internet to receive the peace of Jesus and become total new creatures. He said that " let the light of Jesus locate you in whatever situation you are facing right now and may Jesus see you through and his light shine forth". Shalom.

NOTE: 30th November is here, come and receive answers to the puzzles of life.Keep time and come with a friend.


  1. " I Jeremiah rejoice greatly when my brothers & sisters come & testify abt the truth & faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard. indeed for we who believe,stand,walk with Him, walking in the truth & to have the -
    PEACE of CHRIST JESUS within ourselves.'' ------ yo so faithful & true.
    & "Looking unto u the author & finisher of my faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame, & is set down at the right hand of the throne of God",has given me courage to press on until I see a change or breakthrough.
    May yo Holy name be glorified in the heavens & on the earth; coz for I believe that u will one-day also fulfill whatever u promised me; come rain, come sun shine, am sure u,the God of Abraham Richard will perfect it. thank u Jesus
    In Christ's name Amen.

  2. For now I have & feel the peace of Christ within me.
    Thank u Jesus Christ.

    Jeremiah jb

  3. Thank you Christ Jesus for the work you are doing in my life,the peace you have given me,the grace that is driving me,the gift of Abraham Richard and for the work you are doing in your church.
