Sunday 11 October 2015


As Paul and Silas worshiped and praised the Lord in the prison and the prison doors flew open in Acts 16:25-26, it was same at True Vine Communion Ministries today when the anointed servant of God Abraham Richard led the congregation into an awesome moment of worship and praise that left many healed, delivered and set free. This was a confirmation that God is ever present and He changes not. From this wonderful experience, the prophet led the congregation into an encouraging message of the day, “A SPOKEN WORD WILL SAVE YOU!” from the book of Romans 10:8-9, the servant of God said that what saves a man is a word spoken in faith. All you have to do is confess with your lips what is in your heart and it will manifest. 

 The anointed servant of God Abraham Richard further encouraged the believers when he took a walk in the book of 1 Corinthians 10:13. He said that as a Christian you are no different, when faced with temptations they will not overwhelm you Jesus Christ will see you through. Referencing from the book of 2Corinthians 4:7-9 the prophet said that Christians we accept that we are broken pots and this makes it clear that our great power is from God and not ourselves. He cautioned the congregation not to lose faith in God and never give up because the moment it happens, you are allowing Satan to win. The servant of God advised the congregation to always commit their plans to the Lord if they want to succeed (Proverbs 16:3) 

From the encouraging message the heavens released rain and the servant of God was spiritually led to stand in the pouring rain and prayed that “As this rain falls from heaven to water the earth, let it water you also. Let there be water of supply, let there be water of supply. You are the ground, let there be water. Let there be water, let there be supply. Wherever you have been dry, water has come. Receive the water in your ministry, faith, business, spiritual life. Receive the blessing. Wherever you have been dry receive the dew of the morning.  CELEBRATE!” As it was with Jesus Christ in Luke 6:17-19 when the crowds were yearning for a touch, so it was when the believers rushed outside to join the prophet to receive at least a drop of the rain.

Sister Mackline Musiime testified for the God of Abraham Richard for making it to her miracle. She said that the servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed to her in November 2013 that, “Am seeing a person in your family who opposes you but if he goes all will be well. Call the Lord to be involved in this issue.” Sister Mackline took the word of God and started praying asking the Lord to intervene in her family because what the servant of God had said was true, her cousin was opposing the family since their grandmother had passed away to the point of chasing away all the relatives and only the family of sister Mackline was left on the family land. She took this piece of advice from the servant of God and kept asking God to intervene. God is indeed faithful, He had the cry of sister Mackline and the cousin left. Sister Mackline affirms that from the time the cousin left home everything changed for the better. Among the changes is a new family house is under construction and everyone who had been chased away is coming back. She gives glory and honor back to the God of Abraham Richard who defends the weak.
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