Sunday 25 January 2015


Today 25th January, 2015 the Sunday service day has come with a new dawn as you could read great expectations from the congregants that braved the scotching sun, morning jam to come to the Lord’s sanctuary and worship him in his glory and holiness. The service kicked off with believers dedicating the day, the service and all servants of God in the whole world to be led by the spirit of truth and light who is Jesus Christ.
 With the joyful voices from the choir and the congregation that rose to the heavens, the servant of God entered and took position at the pulpit and led us to the message of the day entitled

 “THE TRUTH IN THE TRUTH” John 8:31-32
The servant of God said that where there is no faith, Christ cannot be exalted. Where there is no faith, there can be no healing. The last meeting the man of God said, ‘GIVE ME FAITH, I GIVE YOU A MIRACLE." God's word is true but it comes to those who believe. Mathew 21:21. If you have faith and do not doubt, you can command any mountain and it can move out of your way.

Today we have persisting problems and have prayed a lot. The problem is not where you pray from but your faith. Great faith always looks for an opportunity to satisfy the beholder. A man with great faith will always be talking to the spirit of God even in the midst of a group of people. To enlighten the congregation more, the Man of God gave an example of the woman with hemorrhage, her faith talked to Jesus in the midst of a crowd and Christ stopped what he was doing to ask “who has touched me?” Great faith is not prohibited by any obstacle.
There is no way you can fail to touch a miracle with faith. If you have not, your faith lacks the content of greatness. Faith always finds an opportunity, see beyond what others are seeing. Great faith does not look at who is speaking; it looks at the spirit behind the word that is spoken.

Jesus is saying that if you are a man of faith and do not doubt, you will not only cast out demons but you will also rise the dead. Some of us say that we believe but when we see what our minds do not expect to happen, happening, we begin to doubt.
The truth in that truth is that He is in Abraham Richard. John 8:31-32. Jesus spoke to the Jews who believed in him. This means that these Jews had known the truth and they believed it but Jesus told them that if they held onto his teaching, they would know the truth and it would set them free. Ordinary faith sees things the way they are but great faith looks beyond.

John 5:24-30 "I tell you the truth whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned..." When you look at the servant of God Abraham Richard, look beyond what you see; this is what will save you. He said that he is just a tool in God’s hands to use. You and i are supposed to be proper tools. Be a vessel and let Christ use you. Search for the truth that is behind what you see. There are those who saw Jesus healing but t never knew who he really was- the truth behind him.

He further said that we may not be worthy, but God chooses us depending on His will. If he can prophesy to nations and it comes to pass, then get to know that what the Lord said about you will happen .He continued to say that just believe and you will shine. God works with faith. Whatever you need is here (TVC) and you will have it. With this edifying message, he wrapped the teaching with emphasis on great faith as means of receiving salvation and the kingdom of heaven

At TVC we do not just talk about God’s word. He says it, He perfects it. The man of God Abraham Richard proclaimed weeks ago that those who will take the "Christ is my strength sticker" will receive a visitation from an angel of the Lord who will deliver them. This was perfected  and believers shared their experiences:
A lady named Nambuya Rose shared that the Lord visited her and told her that he was taking her name from the book of death and was registering her in the book of life .The book was in form of rock and he told her to write her Christian name on it and not the surname..Rose

 Natukunda Mary ," I prayed and waited for the angel of the Lord to visit me. When I was sleeping I heard a very big bird fall on the roof of my house. It blew air on my feet. The bird took me and told me ,'You are very stubborn you do not do what God tells you to do.' I asked Him, "Where are we? 'He said we are in America, I told him that I do not desire to go there. He told me that I do not give God orders. Then I came back home. In the morning I thought that they were hallucinations. Immediately I went in the spirit and was told that my house is too noisy and the Lord wanted to speak to me.  He instructed me to go to the mountain.

The next day I was taken to the mountain without my will. When I reached there, a wind blew over me and someone told me that he wanted to teach me. He told me to open my bible and taught me scriptures. Then he pointed somewhere and told me to go there and pray. I saw Abraham Richard and he was tired. He told me to pray for him for strength. I prayed for him, the ministry and the ministers. I got so tired that I could not pray. He told me, ‘Look up and call a star to come and strengthen you.' I saw the star come and I was strengthened. I began to pray in tongues. I could not understand these languages. Then they told me that they were bringing someone to interpret. I saw sister Angelica come to interpret..." 

The man of God took Natukunda Mary in the spirit to pray again. She prayed in tongues but the spirit of God is not confused, when tongues are being spoken, there must be an interpreter. Another body of Sister Claire Balyeijuka began interpreting what Mary was saying. The message said,"Believe my servant Abraham now. I have chosen you as a nation, believe. Yes he is my son, believe."

Nalubega Gorrett," When I reached home after taking my sticker, I prepared food waiting for the angel to come. I even went to the salon still to prepare myself for the visitor. My children wondered asking me the kind of visitor I waited for. I prepared grapes on the table and covered every funny stuff around my house. As we were eating, something fell on top of my roof. I told my children that the visitor had come. As I was going to sleep, a voice told me to prepare a pen and book where I could write. Immediately I lay down, my hand became heavy and when I lifted my eyes, I saw someone standing besides me saying," You people are blessed.”

Summing up the service, the Man of God led the believers to intercede for those affected by the floods in Malawi. Silver and gold we do not have, but we gave what we had –a prayer from the Holy Spirit “May the Lord bandage, heal and deliver you from this pain that you are suffering.” Then the Servant of God proclaimed to Malawi and said “There would be no more rain to increase on the flooding, I speak like a servant of God,  I am not physically in Malawi, but am saying no more rain.”

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