Sunday 10 August 2014


The Glory of God was an evident illumination that radiated and glowed in the multitudes that congregated at True Vine Communion Ministries today. In His infinite mercy, He brought salvation, healing, blessings and deliverance as we welcomed the physical presence of the son of God.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm, yes, at True Vine Communion Ministries there was great jubilation, thunderous shouts as the Seer Abraham Richard was welcomed back from Christ's mission in Juba - South Sudan where God exalted His name through miracles.signs and wonders which is salvation.

True to His word, today we glorify the Lord for the wonderful works of His hand through his son Abraham Richard.
In the midst of jubilation and joyful gestures he led the congregation into the message that he had brought to the children.

Topic: We are saved by Grace and Faith not by the law. Galatians 3:15-20

We are only saved by the grace, God chose Abraham the father of believers,by grace and not because of what he did. Abraham only made a step of faith and received the promises of God. ( Romans 4:18) Man can only receive the promises of the Lord by faith not by law. By nature man likes to worship what he sees, that’s why the Israelite's after reaching the desert, built themselves a physical god-a golden calf to worship.

This disconnected them from the saving grace of God thus resulting in the law as a connection to God through the 10 commandments. However, the law is not flexible; it’s straight and does not change. What it says is what you are supposed to do. The law does not save but it kills. During the days of our Fathers it saved no one and that’s why Jesus came. The law causes sin.

Where the law is, there is no Holy Spirit.The way you deal with your God will prove whether you are led by the Holy Spirit or the law.  You can never judge a man led by the Holy Spirit. This is because these people do only as the Spirit guides and the will of God changes according to season and time.  Those governed by law are comfortable because they follow a kind of routine which does not change. A man who reads the word of God with the law in mind can never know the depth of the word. Where there is no Holy Spirit, there is no reaching the father.

A man of faith will be seen dancing in a midst of trouble and challenges. It takes great faith for you to believe and shout hallelujah before receiving a miracle. Mark 11:22-24. Believe, God can and will. Do not walk under the law; do not go to church because the bible says so, go because you believe and have faith in the Lord. Make it a relationship rather than a command.

Psalm 104:34  “May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the Lord” Even today, I am going to be saved by grace and faith in Christ Jesus.

Jesus came as a seed of Abraham, and gave us the right to have freedom in Him. In Jesus there is no condemnation since we are saved by grace and faith (Romans 8:1). Therefore have faith in God and receive the promise.

These are a few selected testimonies in honor of the Lord;

Brother Benjamin Augustine from Juba in South Sudan made it to his miracle; last Sunday the man of God gave him a revelation about an issue of a woman in whom he had been bound.She had continued to follow him taking him to courts of law and threatening his life. As a result,he was scared of what she could do to him. The man of God told him that only Jesus could free this gentleman from this woman.

Benjamin confirmed that it was true and the woman had told him not to cross her path lest she kills him. The man of God prayed for him and said to him," Do not fear her for the Lord is with you." The following day, the same woman who had threatened to kill him came and fell on her knees crying for forgiveness for all that she had done to him. Glory and honor is for the Lord.

Sister Amina from Salaama road says that on Sunday 3rd August 2014 she handed in her financial revival seed. On Thursday thieves broke into her shop and took away most of her merchandise. Many of her neighbours advised her to go and use witchcraft to solve her problems, but she told them that the God she serves is God and alive. 
They wondered why she would go to church instead of finding means to solve her problem She came and entered the temple and, "When I entered the temple, I just said;Abraham Richard, just help me..." The next day, the Lord opened her financial doors and she sold everything that was left in the shop. 

She used some of her small savings and bought more merchandise. Everything she purchased was sold in one day. It’s less than a week after the burglary, she has restored everything and no one can believe what happened to her business.
We went into the hour of the Lord with the servant of God delivering the children of God from all forms of darkness that had been tormenting their lives.  He delivered them by the word of God. Every evil spirit was commanded to bow at the name of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit was at work locating His children and saving them from the devil's traps. The servant of God gave revelations to individuals as led by the Holy Spirit.

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